You can’t help but blame the industry for profiting out of electricity for decades now. The reason for this is that we have electricity for free coming from entirely natural sources.

Back at the beginning of the 20th century, when electricity was still finding its way around the globe, Nikola Tesla, the father of modern-day electricity had a dream to make it free for everyone around the world. That didn’t happen, though.

Before he managed to fulfill his dream, he died. Even in his best years, he didn’t manage to find the right investors for something like this. Investors didn’t see profit in the invention. Read more about Tesla here.

Some 100 years after, humanity starts to understand how hard they were scammed by people who wanted to profit. Today, everyone’s available to get solar panels on the roofs of their homes and produce their solar energy.

Why do we still use traditional sources?

We still don’t have the technology to power demanding appliances and machines only with solar energy. Yes, we can use it for lighting and partial home electricity management, but it’s not enough to entirely cover the world with it.

You may have noticed those giant solar fields where people installed acres of panels producing energy for them. This is considered a smart investment.

Even if we cover the entire planet with panels, we’d still be struggling to power heavy machines who are raging and need a lot of power to work. That’s why solar energy is still not used entirely.

There’s the industry trying to hold on to their income and profits too. They invest in marketing and management to convince people that their products are better than what the sun gives us every day. These companies are not right, of course, but they do the job to make it harder for humanity to go green.

What can we use it for?

Have you ever seen those street lights and candelabras having a panel with a battery on top of them? They look fancy and they are completely green. During the day, they accumulate energy and spend it over the night.

The same can be done for places where energy sources might be cut from time to time. Since there are places that can’t be left without lighting, solar powered lights are a great way to be sure that you’ll never be left out in the dark.

The technology is so simple that even amateur engineers can handle it. In other words, this option should be available and implemented everywhere.

Who can benefit the most of this?

Most governmental institutions, hospitals, and public service buildings have their reserve generators that turn on automatically when power is off. They are expensive and need a lot of maintenance.

During serious disasters, floods, earthquakes, and similar natural conditions, the power might be off for days. No generator can run forever.

During all this time, one thing can be guaranteed with 100% accuracy. The sun will always be up there. That’s why using solar panels in these places is the safest option we have.

When it comes to hospitals, we all know that electricity is a must. Of course, heavy machines like an MRI scan can’t run on solar energy the same way a light bulb can, but to preserve the generator’s energy, a lot of the light bulbs can be transferred over to the solar panels. Learn more about them on this link:

This way, the hospital can run without a problem much more time than usual. As we know, during natural catastrophes, hospitals are those who receive injured and people in need. If they have no electricity, then no one will have it.


The sooner humanity realizes that consumerism, capitalism, and profits are not the most important issues in life, the better. The most important thing is life itself.

We let people die because of profits every day. One part of the world lives lavish lives compared to those living in other parts. We need to turn on our humane side and become aware of the real values.

Taking care of the environment is at the very start of this struggle. Using natural energy is the beginning. Saving the money from this can be transferred to those in need. One step at a time and the planet will recover.

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