Requirements for the software systems will support a business, given the dynamics of process changes. The requirements survey has been carried out empirically, without the support of systematic methods that guarantee the development based on the real business objectives.
What are the types of requirements?
Requirements may be sub classified into functional requirements, quality or non-functional requirements, and restrictions or business rule.
- Functional: The names itself says, refers to system functionality, are the functions that the system / application must have to meet the business and its rules.
- Non-Functional (Quality): They meet the technical requirements of an environment such as: aspects of system security, performance, failure prevention, etc.
- Business Rule (Restrictions): are premises and / or restrictions applied to a commercial operation of a company. For example, in a way that meets the business, and works in the expected way. That is, according to the established rules.
Another way to specify Software Requirements Specification is through the use case, where it contains the name of the functionality, and can be contain its respective description. In the use case, you can define the actor in order to relate to the functionalities. From this stage onwards the requirements are better described to then start modelling the bank, development and other steps.
What is to know about prototyping?
The prototype is a functional model built based on the elicited requirements simulating the system/ app to be developed. It is the fastest and most economical way to define and even validate a product. With which it is possible to resolve many doubts. Prototyping tools allow you to have a preview of what you are going to build, and also serve as a conducive tool for validating the product with the customer.
Storyboard: Mostly used for game development. They present scenarios considering sequences of scenes, characters, sounds, among others, allowing designers to simulate project situations.
Low Fidelity: In this stage, the first requirements of the requirement are scribbled, where there is no need to worry about the final result. Since this is the initial phase and occurs during the design of the system.
Medium Fidelity: In this stage the Wireframes are built, which is nothing more than the most defined aspects in comparison to the low fidelity.
High Fidelity: This is the stage getting closer to the final product, where it allows the user to have a clearer vision.