When you’re injured on a federal job or get an illness as a result of working on a federal job, it’s hard to know what to do. Your mind starts reeling and you start to feel lost. A flood of questions start hitting your mind:

“Where can I find OWCP doctors near me? How do I even talk to the Office of Workers Compensation Programs? What do I need to do in order to file?” you ask. It’s true, no one ever tells you how to handle a federal Workers Compensation case when you first get employed. 

The best question to ask is how you can even start. The answer is simple: you need to start by finding Workers Compensation doctors that specialize in helping federal employees file their claims. 

Why Search For Federal Workers Compensation Doctors?

If your injury was due to a federal job, a typical Workers Compensation doctor will not be able to help you as much as you need it to be. You will need to find a specialist (or group of specialists) that know what the federal system requires and can help advise you on getting your claim pushed through. 

FedHelp Medical Centers are staffed with professionals trained to help with Federal Work Injury Compensation claims. This means that they can:

  • Diagnose Your Injury Properly. Standard doctors may miss important tests that help prove the validity of your injury. Choosing a specialist will ensure that your claim gets the credibility and details it deserves. 
  • Suggest Further Testing. Federal Workers Compensation cases often require additional tests to prove injury and ensure full compensation. Federal Workers Compensation claimants in Miami trust FedHelp Medical centers for their referrals. 
  • Treat Injuries. Among federal workers, some injuries and illnesses are more common than others. Federal Workers Compensation doctors have more experience in treating these issues, which leads to better success rates. 
  • Put Together A Claim. One of the biggest benefits of going through a specialist is the fact that they work with teams that are focused on building great cases and navigating the compensation claims process. 
  • Answer Questions About Workers Compensation. Do you have a specific concern or question regarding your case? Asking doctors who have years of experience with the system can help shed light on the subject.

Where Can You Find Great OWCP Doctors?

Many federal workplaces will have departments that offer information on Federal OWCP doctors near you, but most don’t. In Miami and the surrounding areas, FedHelp Centers are considered to be the top choice. 

If you’re not in the Miami area, don’t worry.  The best way to find an office near you would be to search for places near you online. FedHelp can also assist injured individuals by giving them referrals to offices closer to their local area.

When Should You Call Federal Workers Compensation Doctors?

Knowing where to find doctors is only half the battle. Knowing when to call them is the other half. The best time to call an office is when you first get the injury, or when the injury is first reported. 

With most Workers Compensation claims, time is an issue. The more time that goes on between the injury claim and medical evidence, the less likely it is that your claim will be approved. Moreover, waiting too long can cause additional tests to be required.

If time has passed between the injury and the claim, you should make calling an OWCP doctor a priority. There is still a chance that you may be able to claim benefits and get the compensation you deserve. 

Why Choose FedHelp?

FedHelp Medical Centers gained a reputation for having some of the most educated, experienced doctors to serve in the Federal Workers Compensation field. When dealing with a matter as complex as Workers Compensation, experience matters.

By having a team of specialists on your side, you’ll be able to navigate the process faster, get the best treatment available, and also have all your questions answered. Our firm prides itself on being results-driven. 

The staff at FedHelp are not driven by money, but rather by a higher purpose. Our team is dedicated and passionate about aiding federal workers in their time of need. By trusting FedHelp, you’re making sure that you get the best results and a team that cares. Call us today to learn more. 

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